China Town Hall

Join us at this year's CHINA Town Hall at the University of Arizona connecting leading China experts with Americans around the country.

5 to 7 p.m., Nov. 16, 2022

The Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) is delighted to host this year's CHINA Town Hall at the University of Arizona. Please join us on Wednesday, November 16, 5:00-7:00 pm (MST), at Integrated Learning Center 140.

The event features former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, China, and Singapore, Jon M. Huntsman Jr., followed by an on-site discussion featuring Dr. Janelle Lamoreaux (Associate Professor of Anthropology) and facilitated by Dr. David Pietz (Professor of Chinese history). 

CHINA Town Hall connects leading China experts with Americans around the country for a national conversation on the implications of China’s rise on U.S.-China relations and its impact on our towns, states, and nation. The National Committee is proud to partner with a range of institutions and community groups, colleges and universities, trade and business associations, and world affairs councils to bring this important national conversation to local communities around America for the 16th consecutive year.